Saturday, November 2, 2019

Legalization of marijuana Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Legalization of marijuana - Research Paper Example Decriminalizing the drug will present myriad economic and legal positive implications as the discussion below portrays. Possession of marijuana is a criminal offense in the country with law enforcement agencies mandated with containing the use of drugs arresting thousands of peddlers. Such arrests have myriad effects thus slowing the rate of dispensing justice in the society. The law courts and police stations are arguably crowded with thousands of young people charged with being in possession and using marijuana. Congestion in American jails is a major social problem that the government strives to solve. The government uses millions of dollars in maintaining the prison facilities most of which also serve as remands while suspects await their trials. The legal process further slows owing to the huge pile up of cases a feature that makes such processes not only slow but also equally expensive for suspects, their families and the government. As explained earlier, marijuana is one of the most common drug that millions of Americans use for varied reasons including medicinal. This makes the drug a menace that the government continues to invest millions of dollars to contain. Most of the peddlers serving jail terms in American prisons are serving such terms owing to either possessing or using marijuana. Decriminalizing the drug will therefore free up the state facilities thereby cutting the amount of money the government invests in managing such facilities as the courts and prisons. Additionally, this will offer a natural solution to the overcrowding problem in most of the correctional facilities in the country. This will expedite the legislation process thereby making the management of both the courts and the prisons easier. The government has strived to achieve this in the past by investing more money into the departments despite the ailing economy. By legalizing

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